
Attitude quotes

  Sometimes the only thing needed is a change of attitude. Problem solved! Complaining brings nothing to the table, but it takes everything away. Our focus. Our peace of mind. Our energy. The results that we are so in need of. Nothing is ever achieved through complaining. The right action does. The right attitude does. If you don't change your mindset; it will change you. Learn from your experiences. Take control of what you can. Channel your energy where it's needed. Be confident! Be Bold! Be intentional. Remember if you can't fix it, change your attitude towards it. Attitude Quotes That Will Empower You In Your Life: 1. “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ―  Roy T. Bennett 2. “It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” ―  Dale

Cloud-based digital asset management system

  Have you thought about protecting your intellectual property? It’s your hard work and you wouldn’t want anyone to exploit it, right! No worries, with Publitio you can secure your content using watermark, video encryption (DRM and Personal Encryption) You will also have access to HLS encryption, which adds extra protection to your videos and prepares them for online streaming. What is Publitio? Publitio is a cloud base media management that handles storage, processing, and delivery of images, videos, and rich-media files for modern web apps. Why use Publitio? Publitio offers a built-in media player that plays videos, audio, and images. You can use it to publish your rich-media files across any device. The player comes unbranded (no logo on it), it is completely customizable (you can set desired skin color, various options, etc.), it has Goole IMA and VAST (video ads) support and you can easily embed it on the website. Go to Publitio FEATURES: •publitio •saas •developers •programming •

Quotes about the mind

  “The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.” ― Idowu Koyenikan Guard every avenue to your mind. It is the portal to your soul. Be careful who you grant access to your mental space. Be mindful of the energy that you are absorbing. Watch the books you read! Watch what you listen to. Be careful who you are emulating and taking advice from. Your thoughts become your actions. Your mind is depending on you to keep it in good shape!  Be vigilant, Be sober, and stay on guard! “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”―  John Milton In this list, you'll find: powerful mind quotes, famous quotes about the mind, your mind is a weapon quotes, understanding the mind quotes, mind quotes short, and mind your mind quotes. Enjoy! 1. “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ―  Mahatma Gandhi 2. “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a

How to find motivation when life's hard..

  How to cope when life is hard and unfair ! Have you ever felt like giving up, but it wouldn't be any easier if you quit, so you decided that you will hang in there a  bit longer? Life is sometimes like this. I've had many days of hopelessness in my life, and I've hit my lowest of lows. Below I'll share some ways I stayed motivated at the most difficult times of my life. 1. Don't ever make prayer an option. Make time to pray, whether life is good or bad. Always connect with your maker. God wants to hear from you. Don't ever make prayer an option, let it be your priority. Don't wait until everything else fails. Stay prayed up. I remember some of my darkest moments when the words couldn't find their places, tears spoke in their stead. Tears are a language that God understands. 2. Express gratitude.  Don't allow the problems that you face today to dim your outlook for tomorrow. I've heard about a man who was complaining about how hard his life was

How to earn using your phone.

 Have you been searching for ways to earn an additional income? Can't think of anything that you'd like to do. Search no further! The answer is in your hands, yes, that device that captures the majority of your screen time.  If you're going to spend that many hours on it, why not get paid for it. Put that smartphone to work!  I'll share with you some ways in which you can transform your smartphone into a lucrative side business. How can I make money using my phone? 1. Start an online soap business. You can operate a full-time soap business from your smartphone. All you have to do is to reach out to a supplier that does white labeling , set up a Facebook or Instagram business page, and promote your soap business. Today, more people are taking care of their skin and are requiring quality products to enhance the health and beauty of their skin. You can tap into the skincare market with fade bars, vitamin C serums, skin cleansing bars, etc.  You can deliver to your customer

Quotes about life experiences

  Sometimes we're shattered, broken into a million pieces. Life takes us to the lowest of lows. We're only humans and life is like the seasons that change. Our various experiences have revealed some of our greatest strengths and taught us many invaluable lessons. We aren't always victims of our downfalls, but victors because like the leaves we fall, only to grow fresh again. My wounded warriors, you'll heal, your spring is coming. After all this, you'll be transformed, refreshed, and renewed.  Today, I want to share with your 50+ life experience quotes for living a fulfilled life. In this list, you'll find: wonderful experience quotes, life bad experience quotes, life is about experiences quotes, quotes about learning from experience, life experience quotes, and sayings, heart touching life lesson quotes, hardest lessons in life quotes, sad life lesson quotes, inspirational life lessons, painful life lessons quotes, and  life lesson quotes about relationships. H