
The pain of loneliness (Poem)

Poem about depression and loneliness . I can slay the day, But the night  Rules over me with an iron fist, It sets me down, It tells me everything that I long to forget, Lies. Secrets. Fears, It makes me listen, Still as the tomb, It makes me remember, Naked truth! It makes me surrender, Powerless. Wretched. Afraid. I'm like a ship broken up and lost at sea, A caged bird longing to be set free, A prisoner of the dark, I don't want to be alone, The night is  cruel,  It tortures me. © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Annette Kinglock-Murray  Quotes about the pain and suffering of feeling alone: “Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness.” ―  Poppy Z.Brite “Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.” ―  Maya Angelou “But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” ―  Calla Quinn “The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend!” ―  Edith W

Do I need a break?

  This post contains affiliate links. Please see the disclaimer. All across the Internet, you'll see self-care quotes, memes, and videos. More people are realizing that self-care isn't an option, but a priority. Diet, skincare, exercise,  proper rest, and mental health. The message is being preached loud and clear.  Throughout your life, there isn't anything that you’ll use as much as you use your body. Whether it's for physical labor or brainpower.  Like everything else that isn't given proper care and maintenance. The body will break down from exhaustion if you're not giving yourself a break. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, an entrepreneur, an employee, or the CEO of a large corporation. You need a break! Today, I'll share with you 5 reasons why you must take a break,  even if you don't feel like it. 1. Work is never over. Those of us who live in busy households know this all too well. Housework is never finished. There is always something left

6 ways to be kinder to the disability community.

How do you show respect to a person with a disability?  Since childhood, our mother instilled in us that we should never make fun of anyone with a disability or any form of illness. It's something that she's super sensitive about. She would always say, "no one knows what will happen to them in life." I greatly admire members of the disability community. They’re one of my biggest sources of inspiration.  If you watch series like Born Different and Shake My Beauty on Facebook, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. When you watch these programs you don’t see their disabilities you see their superpower. Today, I’d like to share with you 6 ways through which you can be kinder and more respectful to members of the disability community. 1. Don’t mimic their disability. I see this happening quite often on social media, just to rack up views and shares.  It’s offensive to imitate a person's disability. It's also offensive to pretend that you have a disability when

7 Things that make you feel stressed, unhappy & drained.

What if everyone else that you think is making you stressed isn't? What if the person who brings you the most stress is you? Yes, all this time you have been stressing yourself out! Today, I want to share with you 7 things that are making you more stressed, unhappy and drained.  1. Influencer lifestyle.  Expensive trips, perfect figures, nice houses, and cars all the glitz and glam of the world. They bombard your feeds every day. You're probably thinking I want this lifestyle. You feel so sad, knowing that it may not happen 😞 Most of what you see on social media is fake. Do you think that influencers are all happy people that wake up every day in an awesome mood, wearing top brands, sipping champagne, and smiling at a camera? We all wished that life was this great, but it isn’t.  The majority of what you see in your feeds are highlight reels. What you don’t see are the real moments that happen when the cameras are off.  There isn’t anyone in the world who doesn’t experience th

Signs someone's getting tired of you.

  They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but many of us are better able to deal with people at a distance. We tend to get along much better! All hell breaks loose the moment we have to live with them every day.  There are instances where we have to move in with a partner, friend, or relative. Sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control.  While many are open and warm at first. There are times when we can tell that the royal treatment is coming to an end and we have overstayed our welcome.  Below I'll share with you some signs that someone is getting a bit tired of you.  1. There's a change of attitude.  There are visible changes in their attitude. Their tone is harsher and their body language is unwelcoming. They get mad for reasons you sometimes don't know about.  Most often, a passive-aggressive type of behavior. They'll slam the doors. Bang the pots and pans. Sulk for hours, without ever saying a word to you.  2. You seem to be a burden to them. Everythin

11 signs your friendship is coming to an end

  How do you know when to end a friendship? It's good to have people who you can be yourself around. No facade. No pretense. No imitation. Just the real- raw you. Real friends are priceless and we know all too well that they are few and when we do find them; they are to be treasured. However, we don't always know what people's true intentions are, and sometimes the people we call our friends aren't who we think they are. As time goes on we'll notice some disconnect in the friendship that we either need to fix or break off permanently.  Today, I want to share with you 11 signs that your friendship is coming to an end and you may need to break it off soon. What would cause you to end a friendship? 1. They act like they're your spokesperson. Nothing is wrong if you allow your friend to put in a word or two now and then,  but it's a serious cause for concern when this behavior becomes a pattern and they act as if you're not intellectual to speak up for yours

Signs you're giving too much for nothing.

  "I give so much and get nothing in return." “Selflessness. It should be the basis of every relationship. If a person truly cares about you, they'll get more pleasure from the way they make you feel, rather than the way you make them feel.” ―  Colleen Hoover "Can a car travel a mile on empty?" How then do you expect to go the extra mile for  others without filling your needs first? " Annette Kinglock-Murray  Do you feel like you're over-giving? There isn't anything wrong with giving and sharing with others. It's good when we're able to bless the lives of others through our various acts of giving. The flip side of this is we sometimes run ourselves dry for the sake of others.  Today,  I want to share with you some signs that you're giving too much for nothing in return and this is not to say you should always give with expectations. I'm ONLY making the point that in your giving you should always fill yourself first so you don't r