
Time moves fast, it waits for no one (Poem)

Hindsight mourned my life of yesterday,  Tears meandered like streams through dark, lonely valleys, Time's faithful hands, years behind me, Oh, how time flies, Wishful thinking of all that could have been, Time lingers no more,  Hindsight scourged my life of yesterday,  Forgetting not a wasted moment,  Or the opportunities I've slighted along the way,  Procrastination has gotten the best of me, They say better late than never,   But late is sometimes too late, Tomorrow's never a promise for us to keep, Time waits for no one.  Annette Kinglock-Murray  © 2022  All  Rights Reserved  Read more poems: Sometimes I play the fool

Sometimes I play the fool (Poem)

  Sometimes I play the fool, Weighing their loyalty against mine, Truth, error, blatant lies! Let them think I'm crazy, Tenderhearted, unblinded eyes,  Ruminating their meaningless thoughts, In the midst of their madness, senses awake, Feigned emotions, like musty air escaping their lips, Another favor, A dire need, A treasure to their soul, A scorching flame in mine, Ever wanting more, Nothing to give, Let them call me crazy, Clown's in town, Deafening  silence, eagles eyes, The show must go on,  Play the fool to catch the fool, They call themselves wise. PS: Some people will love you as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefits stop. Annette Kinglock-Murray  © 2022 All Rights Reserved  Other poems: As if I wasn't made to feel  

How to become a better human.

  We live in a world where it seems only the fittest of the fittest survive on the journey of life. As the world evolves and things and times change, fast. It seems our world is slowly losing its humanity. We don't need to look far to see the horrible effects of greed,  hatred, selfishness, and war. You may be wondering how you can make the world a better place. You can begin by being a better human.  Not just to people you've known all your life, but those you haven't had much contact with. These are 10 ways through which you can become a better human.  1. Put love into action.  Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. The same way that you wouldn't want others to trample your feelings and treat you as though you mean nothing to them. Give the love that you'd want for yourself. Show others that you truly care for them. Don't say one thing and mean the other. 2. Celebrate other people's success. Be happy for others when they are progressing in life...

Things aren't always as they seem (Poem).

°°°°°°•°°°°°°°°••••••°°°°°°•••••••°°°°°°°°•••••• She struts through the day like cakewalk, But only the night knows her well, The day's a tunnel vision,  She's the life of the party, A tower of strength, Súper mujer! Only the night knows her truth, Mamma Mia!  Daytime shenanigans,  Obeisance of the night,  Knees  cuddled up to her chest, Smiles smothered in teardrops, Sipping bitter wine, Clutching musty cigarettes, Ugly cries, Truth conquers lies,  The skeletons  come out of her closet, Ain't no laughter for her puppet show,  Every heart knows its sorrow, Things aren't always as they seem, She smiles above the pain, A warrior at daylight, but Only the night knows her well! Annette Kinglock-Murray ©2022 All Rights Reserved Things don't always appear as they seem quotes “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”―  Phaedrus “All that glisters is...

Should you tell a friend everything?

  "A friend today, could be an enemy tomorrow". A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.  Elbert Hubbard The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.  Bob Marley. Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything.  Muhammad Ali I've witnessed the fall of a friendship recently, and when they spilled the beans things got ugly. They both said things they shouldn't have said, and the big question was. Were they ever friends? Many of us have either broken off friendships or witnessed other people who were no longer friends disclose things they've vowed to keep amongst themselves.  Should we tell our friends everything? If yes, what are your reasons for doing so? If not, what's your reason for not telling your friends everything? In forging friendships ...

As if I wasn't made to feel (Poem).

  Poem about feeling empty, broken, and alone inside.   Happiness never lingers here, Sheer joy and peace a chasm, As if I wasn't made to feel, The rapture of loving arms consoling me, Or the pitiful pleas of this world, Being so empty and broken without me. As if I wasn't made to feel, The bounties of endless love, Soothing this bleeding heart within me, As if I wasn't made to feel, Loved by those I've truly loved, With every fiber of my being. As if I wasn't made to feel,  Truth in the eyes of someone, Who's longing to come home to me, It's never a haven, If emptiness and sorrow dwells there,  These broken pieces of mine,  Are all I'm left to feel. Annette Kinglock-Murray  All Rights Reserved  © 2022 Read more poems: The pain of loneliness  

How to stop trying to be liked by everyone.

  “You can’t please everyone, and you can’t make everyone like you.” - Katie Couric “If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.” - Margaret Thatcher “When you’re different, sometimes you don’t see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn’t.” - Jodi Picoult Imagine Sarah bought a hand-crafted gold necklace for her mother's birthday. As she anxiously presents her mother with the gift box. She whispers, ''I hope you like it.'' Today, many of us are like Sarah, anxiously hoping that others will like what we have to offer. We live in a social media era where likes and views for some people are the staff of life. Some have gone to the extreme of buying fake likes just to grab the attention of others and feel better about themselves. For those of us who aren't too much into social media, we still struggle with the want or need to be li...