How to get past a bitter disappointment.


How to get past a bitter disappointment.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King

Have you ever invested your precious time and energy into someone or something that you were a hundred percent sure about, but you were left distraught at the last minute?

 Those heart-wrenching moments when you wish someone would say that it's only a dream. But you're stuck in reality, you're about to get a headache, you feel nauseous, and you need to get on the toilet, now.  I've been down this road several times.

  I thought that many things in my life would work out alright, but they didn't. I'll share with you some of the things I do to get past my worst disappointments. Of course, prayer is my main weapon, but most importantly, I choose not to forget the lessons.  Working hard towards anything in life, will not stop you from being disappointed. 

“Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged, there’s a choice I make.” – Charles Stanley

Adapting all the right strategies, will not stop you from being disappointed. Motivation will not stop you from being disappointed either. The reality of life is that nothing is ever certain until it is. If you don't want to be disappointed too much, keep your expectations at a minimum. 

Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. Sir Boyle Roche

How do you let go of disappointment and hurt?

1. Talk.

Talking has helped to reduce many of my disappointments. It's good to have someone who understands how much you're hurting. Talking to the right person will decrease some of the stress and anxiety.

 I find that when I talk to a close friend about the issues that I'm having, I leave the conversation with one or more valuable points, and they help me to feel much better.  Don't shoulder it alone. Tell someone how you feel, and exhale!

The strongest people I know have a past filled with chaos, heartbreak, and disappointment. — r.h Sin

2. Focus on the solution.

The longer you hold on to your disappointments. The more you'll end up hurting yourself. It's like playing a sad song repeatedly, only to end up crying every time.  Instead of rehashing your disappointments. Try a few activities that will help to distract your mind a little. You can go for a walk. Write a journal entry. Try a few deep breathing exercises. Listen to some inspirational videos. Watch a funny movie or video, etc. 

Take your focus away from your disappointments. The more you starve them, the less power they'll have over you. Channel your energy to things that will help to put your mind at ease. More so, things that make you laugh.

One minute of sincere gratitude can wash away a lifetime’s disappointments. – Silvia Hartmann

3. Stop blaming yourself.

If you could find a thousand reasons to blame yourself, what happened is already done, and you can't turn back the hands of time. Life will throw many things your way. Accept the fact that you'll be able to handle some of them, but others will just fall from your hands. You don't possess the ability to control the cycles of life. You're a human like everyone else, and you're going to make mistakes. Don't be too hard on yourself. This too shall pass.

“Every disappointment has compensation if only a person is quiet and ready to wait.” – Anonymous

4. Don't quit

Disappointments are hard to get past. Especially those that we have invested a lot of our efforts in, but don't allow them to steal your dreams. We all have our disappointments in life. It won't be spring all the time.  Summer, autumn, and winter will come, but no matter how hard life gets; there's beauty in every season.

 Amidst all our disappointments in life, if we look close enough there are blessings too. If it weren't for the winter, then we wouldn't know how much we need the sun, and if it weren't for the drought, we wouldn't know how much we need the rain. Disappointments are there to remind us that life is filled with the inevitable. 

 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”


70+ best letting go and moving on quotes.

100+ Best find a reason for living quotes.

Photo by AG Z from Pexels


  1. Amazing tips! Disappointment is really hard to get past, but I think picking yourself back up and not quitting is so important. It's also essential to talk to people about how you feel, sometimes it truly does feel like a massive weight has been lifted off your shoulders! Thank you so much for sharing x

    1. Thank you very much for reading and sharing your thoughts 😊


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